About me

Very passionate about animal rights,
communication and relationships, and
Yoga in all its forms and aspects, I seek
to create and provide safe spaces, where
everyone is met right where they are at on their journey.
Offering tools and practices to remember
our common true nature and follow our dharma.
Not by negating our humanity, but by learning to appreciate and use it as our given vehicle towards liberation.
Journeying towards a kinder and more mindful way of living.

Growing up…

…in the very idyllic alpine landscape of the Engadine valley, I graduated from grammar school in 2015 with music and philosophy being my major subjects.
Ever since I was little, books and music were very dear companions of mine.
For years, I sang in various choirs, played the trumpet and piano, had lessons in vocal coaching and even planned on studying music for a pretty long time.
Always having been an avid reader, I developed a great fascination for languages and history, being particularly interested in the Middle Ages, the 20th century and fantasy worlds – devouring all (historical) fiction I could get my hands on.

Animals have had a special place in my heart for as long as I can remember. I have vivid memories of visiting the farm my grandmother grew up on once a year and spending a few weeks there, helping to look after the animals. Even though my heart hurt everytime I had to leave all my four-legged friends, I always felt it was the best possible way to spend a holiday.
Why lie on the beach in an all inclusive resort, when you could bottle feed a calf or play with the litter of kittens?

Basel: growing roots and finding my way…

I moved to Basel right after graduating in 2015 and signed up for philosophy and media science at Basel University. I attended a lot of lectures about animal ethics, did a diploma in ancient greek and got to know the critical and independent thinking of the humanities, from which I will surely benefit throughout my life.
Still, at some point I had to admit that even though I found (and still find) both subjects to be greatly interesting and important, it wasn’t really what I wanted to do in my life.
Surrounded and supported by a wonderful and empowering environment I had found here in Basel, I made the most courageous decision in my life so far, and dropped out of university in late 2018. With no degree and not really a clue whatsoever about where life would take me.
All I knew was that I wanted to work with people in a way somehow related to healing. Wanting no less than making the world a better place – in one way or another.
It sure wasn’t always easy, but I never regretted the decision and am deeply grateful for everything I learned.
Working in cafés, restaurants, in customer support and as bike messenger (which I still do with great pleasure) taught me a lot about the fascinating human condition, and offered very valuable insights and teachings regarding communication, relationships, and social and emotional intelligence – which is another subject I am very passionate about.
It taught me loads about myself, my fellow human beings and off-the-mat Yoga.

My journey to being a Yoga Teacher

I started my Yoga journey in early 2018, in the beautiful space of The Looking Glass Yoga studio in Basel. After having attended some rather disappointing workout-style classes elsewhere, I was immediately pulled under the method’s spell after having practiced Jivamukti for the first time. I resonated a lot with the method’s holistic approach and my idea of yoga being more than just physical excercise was finally met.
And, thus, the spark was ignited.
Learning and growing with the guidance of my dear teacher Kristen’s heartfelt, grounding and loving style, I soon discovered the urge to share and teach as well and so decided to sign up for the Teacher Training in 2020. Which was by far the best decision I could make after a rather turbulent and heavy weighing couple of months, even though I had little idea as to how life changing the four weeks of training would prove to be.
When before I often felt torn between all my widely scattered interest and – especially after deciding against finishing my degree at university – at times pretty lost in regards of which way to go, with Jivamukti it seemed like everything had its place and could very well be put to use in a complementary way.
The Jivamukti Yoga Method really combines all of my interests and engagements: from veganism and Animal Rights, to philosophy, music, movement and body awareness, and spirituality and mindfulness. All within a beautiful method, giving guidance on and off the mat to live in a more kind and compassionate way not only toward oneself, but toward all beings equally.
I felt as if I was handed a basket with everything gathered, so that I could finally put my abilities to work.
It’s a perfect match, really.

Embracing humanity, opening the heart

Alongside teaching and embracing the Jivamukti method, I have immersed and dived deeply into the teachings of Maharaj-ji’s devotees – mainly Ram Dass and Krishna Das, treading the path of the heart.
Taking the 8-week course “The Life and Teachings of Ram Dass” offered by the LSR foundation was another cornerstone on my path, offering deep insights about myself and others and greatly affecting my approach to life and to teaching.
Being very accessible, down to earth and close to the ups and downs of life, we are encouraged to embrace our humanity and use it as a vehicle and opportunity to work through our stuff, instead of withdrawing and negating it. Working with just what we have at hand, right where we are at.
And, by working ourselves, developing deeper compassion and understanding for others so that we become an instrument to alleviate suffering to the best of our possibilities and capacity.
That way, we can work on holding a safe space, becoming an environment where others can do their work as well, if they want to.

So in case you wondered why I went so much into detail about my life, that is why. It is our life’s journey that holds the greatest teachings, and it’s the single biggest tool we have at hand to put all the various teachings into practice.

In deep gratitude…

…to all my teachers past, present and future, guiding me in a heartfelt, grounding and ever inspiring way. Providing safe spaces to learn, grow and share.
…to Kristen who has taken me under her wing and has supported me and believed in me in every way possible. She made it possible for me to start teaching right after my training and the beautiful space of The Looking Glass studio has long become my sanctuary.
…to my dear friends and family, from whom I learned so much and who always provided a loving and stable foundation and believed in me whenever I myself didn’t. I definitely am surrounded by the bestest and most beautiful community – two- and four-legged – and there’s not a day I’m not extremely grateful for that.
…to Katja for her immense and relentless help and support with setting up this website – layout, photoshoot, editing and everything else included.

“Don’t wait for a Guru. Your life is your Guru.”
– Krishna Das

I would love to hear from you!

If you feel called to, please feel free to reach out!
